Saul M. Goldin Memorial Internship

Saul M. Goldin Memorial InternshipIn honor of Saul Goldin, this internship program was established to encourage and recognize students in Southern California who are excited about lighting while raising the awareness of lighting’s advances and its varied applications. The Illuminating Engineering Society, Los Angeles Section (IESLA) is partnering with the California Lighting Technology Center (CLTC) at the University of California at Davis to award one student an eight-week summer internship at the center at the University of California at Davis.

Come join California Lighting Technology Center (CLTC) at the University of California at Davis for an eight-week summer internship.

Learn more about the programs you can be involved with.

Requirements to Apply

Students should be enrolled in a college, under graduate or graduate program; be a student pursuing studies in lighting or a student with a specific lighting project as part of an advanced degree program and be studying in the Southern California counties of Los Angeles, Orange, Ventura, San Bernardino or Riverside.

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If you would like more information, please contact the internship chair at:

About the CLTC

California Lighting Technology Center (CLTC) is a full-scale research laboratory and was established as an industry, utility, and government partnership to accelerate the development and commercialization of efficient residential and commercial lighting technologies. The Center conducts research; showcases technology through demonstrations; provides curriculum, and training; develops white papers and reports; and organizes community outreach to promote developing projects and new technologies.

Take a look at the flier from the CLTC Website

The Internship will Focus on Your Strengths that you bring to CLTC’s Projects

Unique among architectural lighting design internships in the country, interns will be given a once-in-a-lifetime experience to learn from some of California’s top engineers and research teams. The winner will get an introduction to the latest lighting technology, energy regulations, and sustainable lighting design practices - including daylighting research -while developing communication, collaboration and problem-solving skills through outreach and marketing projects, essential abilities for future careers in lighting.

You will be able to work on projects that are geared towards your strongest abilities.

Explore what the center is working on.

Hear what past participants have to say about the program.

What is an Internship Like?

I was the first intern to the program in year 2012. During my internship at CLTC as a newly graduated student from USC's M.Arch. program, I had a unique experience that was different than working for a private practice or design firm in the industry. Instead of focusing more on design and aesthetics, at CLTC, I had the opportunity to see the industry from a different perspective - from a regulation and technology perspective. By participating on various activities, such as product testing and user experience comparison studies, I was able to understand how some standards in the industry are made. Helping to write guidance for Title 24, I learned about the thinking behind how the regulation came to be and the direction it is going. It is a good transition from academics to commercial. And the experience definitely filled some knowledge holes that were otherwise hard to come by.

Anne Friedman, associate, KGM ARCHITECTURAL LIGHTING

What is being at UC Davis like?

I was selected as the candidate for the IESLA's 2017 Saul M. Goldin Memorial Internship at California Lighting Technology Center, and I was ecstatic! I arrived at Davis, a friendly, diverse, green college town in mid-June for my 8-week long internship. The CLTC team was inclusive, fun, and accommodating to a recent grad like myself. During my time at CLTC, one of my favorite projects I have worked on was helping the team put together teaching material and kits to be used at community colleges in California to teach lighting design basics. I would sum up my experience at UC Davis as dynamic and exciting. The team at CLTC is friendly and willing to share their respected advice with those who want to learn. I am very thankful to IESLA for the wonderful opportunity.

Likhitha Rangaswamy, MIES
Senior Designer, Oculus Light Studio

Renewable Energy & Advanced Lighting Systems for Exterior Applications

Exterior lighting generally operates from early evening through early morning, a period of little to no renewable energy generation, which means this lighting is primarily powered by carbon-dense fossil fuels. Fossil fuel use is a significant contributor to greenhouse gas emissions (GHG), poor air quality, water pollution and land degradation. In addition, low-quality exterior lighting characterized by poor color, inappropriate light distribution, and inadequate light levels has also been linked to increased crime rates and reduced physical activity within the surrounding community…
To address these issues, the California Energy Commission funded CLTC to develop and demonstrate renewable energy and advanced lighting (REAL) systems equipped with many of the advanced features absent from today's commercial exterior lighting systems.

Flier from CLTC Website

R&D Center for Mexico's Lighting Industry

“In the fall of 2017, the Mexican Ministry of Energy awarded funding to the Universidad Autónoma de Guadalajara in collaboration with the University of California Davis to establish a lighting technology and design research center known as the Centro de Tecnología en Iluminación (CTI). This is a multi-year, public-private investment focused on addressing growing climate change concerns through translational research committed to clean energy and sustainability in Mexico.”

Flier from CLTC Website


In every profession, certain people distinguish themselves by their dedicated contributions of time, effort, insight, foresight and education to that profession and to the community which it serves. When this status is achieved with a generous spirit, challenging fellow members to strive for excellence, encouraging those who sometimes fail and always personally exemplifying stated standards and beliefs, the individual is not only recognized, but respected and remembered.
The consulting electrical/lighting engineering profession has its share of present and past distinguished members, none more notable the Saul Goldin. Born in Manitoba, Canada, Saul’s professional career began in 1946 when he obtained his B.S.E.E. from the University of Manitoba and moved to Los Angeles, working as a consulting engineer with such prominent architects as Welton Becket, Pereira, Luckman and Gruen. Saul opened his own consulting practice in 1960 and joined IES in 1961 as an Associate Member. He soon became “in demand” for nearly every project of architectural lighting significance in Los Angeles as evidenced by his involvement in the redesign and relighting of the Hollywood Park Racetrack (for which he received the IES’s highest Design Achievement Award) and the Rodia Towers in Watts. Despite the demands of raising two daughters and a son and the daily grind of involvements of his practice, Saul found time to teach a whole generation of architecture students at U.S.C. the finer points of lighting and electrical design.
In 1965, Saul became a full Member of IES and continued to serve the local Section. He was elected Regional Vice President of the South Pacific Coast Region in 1972 and served until 1974 and RVP Director the second year. Following his service as RVP, Saul was elected a Director of the Society from 1975 through 1978. In the early 1980's, Saul undertook additional teaching roles at the Southern California Institute of Architecture (SCIARC). This added exposure to the architectural design process led Saul to become an architect himself. He submitted his application with panache, “After all these years, I’ve come to the conclusion that the only way I can escape the stupidity of architects is to become one myself”. He successfully completed the program and graduated with a master’s degree in Architecture at age 67. He was selected Valedictorian of his class and adorned the commencement with another endearing and inspiring demand for excellence. Unknown by most people, Saul had been diagnosed with lung and liver cancer four years prior to his graduation but had continued to learn, challenge, question, stimulate and contribute to the efforts of his family and colleagues at every opportunity. He was made an Honorary Member of IESNA in early 1991 and passed away peacefully on July 29 of that year. Saul’s legacy is to not just accept things, but rather question and challenge them in a sensitive and positive way. Design efforts must not be mediocre, but rather must strive for excellence.

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